I thinks in genuinely that they can’t reliably source some of the ingredients. It doesn’t make financial sense for them to pause/restart production every time if they can’t reliably produce it. Retailers aren’t going to wait for them, but will find other products to fill the shelf. Probably taking the opportunity to push the purple everyday cream/working reformulating the yellow one.
@Sami nappy rash cream in the UK
I’ve got a link for it at £5.49, delivery is £4.99 BUT if you spend like £20/25 is it’s free and you will to stock up abyone want it?
@kelly yes please x
@kelly yes please
@kelly link for me too please
There’s a special place for those selling child related items for extortionate prices
Yes please @kelly
@Khaschén absolutely!! Scum of the earth. Making money off babies with nappy rash turns my stomach!
@Emma and formula!!! Disgusting people
@kelly Need link for it please
Sending link to everyone now x
@Angela and @Meshalwon’t let me message you for some reason message me x
@kelly yes please!
Trusted by 5M+ women
Trusted by 5M+ women
@kelly can you send to me please
@kelly can i have the link to please
What is it?