Miserable all the time. Doesn’t sleep in the day so awake 9-9 with maybe 3 small cat naps 30m in between. Feeding - breastfeeding latches well for maybe 10m then pops on and off and fussing constantly not even feeding properly, flailing arms and legs. May doze off eventually for 30m or results in screaming. Bottles takes it well and drinks the whole lot. cries straight after. Burping for 30m crying throughout. Most but not all burps bring up sick. Then starts hiccups and then is sick a little bit usually for up to 1-2hrs after. This causes a lot of crying. Occasional break in the crying will maybe last 10-20m but then something sets off. So for example getting dressed, changing nappy, getting undressed, picking up, being held, being cuddled. All of this causes crying. I have been told it’s her behaviour there is absolutely nothing wrong with her and to get on with it or maybe I am depressed. Different baby come bedtime. Goes onto breast feeds falls asleep transfer to crib &
I’m absolutely sick of her. it’s like nothings good enough for her. Never happy. Always miserable. Doesn’t matter what u do always crying and whinging
Hi there! You can do it 💪 My baby is 8 weeks has been soo tough and still sometimes feels like is a bs the phrase “it will get easier” but I still have faith because I did ask for help. I do understand the “ if it’s not something.. it’s something else. “ Sometimes it’s hard to find the reason and could be frustrating not finding it. It’s frustrating staying 24/7 with an upset baby. If you want you can text me and I can tell you what helped me. You can do it remember x
Gosh you are going through it. We have had several weeks like this too. Have you spoken to docs or health visitor ? Checked for tongue tie? Mine had this and was very fussy and unsettled until released ? Understandably you’re stressed and fed up, this can have an impact on baby’s behaviour too. I hope you do find the right support and get through this hell to be able to enjoy soon x
This sounds like carbon copy of my little boy… He was my 2nd though, and my first was a hard baby..so I knew something wasn’t right. I ended up losing all faith in the GP’s, as I was told the same as you. I got alot of ‘babies cry it’s normal’. Ive also worked with babies for 10 years, and I’ve never seen a baby so unsettled. After a month or so, more symptoms started to appear.. rashes, diarrhoea, blood in poop etc, and of course the screaming continued. I kept telling all health professionals it was CMPA, and I was told it was either nothing, or just reflux/colic. He’s fine. Anyway, got to the point there was no poop coming out and it was just blood.. I’ve never seen anything like it. Was told to go to an and e, where we were told it’s an obvious milk allergy!! Like everyone else said though, worth getting other things checked like tongue tie etc. my LO also had tongue tie, and reflux. It’s hard going. Feel free to message me for a rant!
A second vote for seeing someone about a tongue tie. Our little one was so upset all of the time and difficult to feed and was really uncomfortable every second he was awake. After having his tongue tie released he is a completely different baby, it released a lot of body tension to the point we can see the difference in his face and meant that he could feed much better without getting crazy gassy. Please do check because it was quite life changing for all of us in this house after spending 7 weeks feeling like an awful mum
Your not mad. Baby crying continually is very hard. Sounds like u need to go back to gp and get a bettrr support network. Any family or friends can help ? So u can go for a coffee get ur nails done or something ? X
I’d consider changing to formula and using goat milk. Sounds like a typical colic baby. Once their digestive system matures around 3/4 months, it hopefully will get better! As for your perspective to this - yes you will need to work on your mindset to say that this is not hell but just very unhappy baby and you’re there to support her just by holding her or being near her. I recommend talking to therapist just to see how you can try changing your perspective on this.
Have you tried giving her formula milk? Maybe she’s hungry.
Take a breath. Ask for help, do you have family that can come and help you? Baby crying is hard but i absolutely promise you, she is not doing it on purpose to torment you. She is in some sort of pain or discomfort, imagine if she could talk and tell you she’s in pain, you wouldn’t be mad you’d feel so bad for her. My first was also a very hard baby but it does get better I promise. One thing I wish I did more of is burp her! Sometimes one burp isn’t enough. My first would sometimes take an hour to get a second burp out. But babjes cannot sleep or relax if they have trapped wind .so they will cry and cry and cry! Ask for help when you’re struggling.
It might be worth taking him/her to a chiropractor that deals with infants? Ours was a lot better after we did and had some neck tension that was impacting her latch + tightness in tummy, they're crying because it's the only way they can communicate. Maybe there's some body/muscle/tummy pain that's not something that can be resolved by you (ie. It's not your fault). I have also found that babies really do pick up on our emotions and as they need an adult for emotional coregulation I've found it much easier/quicker to soothe her when I'm in a calm state of mind which is easier said than done when they're hysterical .. sending hugs x
@Emily I second the chiropractor, h hear great things about it, but unfortunately it never worked for us. Some babies are just higher needs 🙈
My heart really goes out to you. My first daughter was like this. It’s so boring to hear in the moment but they DO grow out of it very soon. She had silent reflux in the end, I had to badger the GP for meds. But between 3-6 months she chilled out loads especially being able to sit up and handle her digestion, Crying is really draining on your mental health, it’s traumatic actually. My second daughter is much calmer but still has her fussy times. Sometimes all you can do is think about getting through the day, and brighter times are ahead xx
Sorry your going through this it sounds like you could really do with a break! Is there anyone you could ask to take her for a few hours and you can go and have some you time. Though is sounds like she may have some difficulties that might need addressing if she's crying a lot x
Hey! In what ways is jt hell? What’s happening? First 4 weeks were rough for us.. had some good weeks but feel like slipping back again. My baby is 9 weeks at moment. X