We've decided this year to not do stockings and wait until next year to start. Just with mat leave pay finishing and also them being so small we thought would wait. Still doing a couple of presents under the tree though.
We’re doing essentials like a weaning set, socks, a small toy, a new bib etc in the stocking as his sister will expect him to have one c
I’m matching everything in the other children’s, so socks, fave biscuits, bath stuff etc. not really for her, more for the others to see she’s got the same! X
We’re doing a stocking for my eldest, otherwise we probably wouldn’t bother. I’ll probably just get her some toiletries and maybe a toy. But only getting her stuff she’ll need anyway!
I’m doing peppa pig dummy’s and some snacks and character bibs and small toys
I've got a little stocking with an outfit, a little wooden puzzle, a fabric tissue box with some pull out tissues and a little toy turtle