Cmpa or not?

Baby is 3 weeks old and formula fed. She has no signs of cmpa apart from mucus in poo.
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My babies poo was always green with mucus

My baby’s was like this. The older he got the less the nappy contained it.

Following as this is exactly what my babies poo looks like….however she does 2 a day and the 2nd one looks totally different to this. Is more tan and paste like…shes combi fed though. Is this normal?

@Rachel did he have cmpa?

It could be as this is what my little ones looked like we didn’t get a diagnosis until 6 month old, he did have other symptoms though so maybe keep an eye on it and if any other symptoms start then go to the gp x

@Paige thank you. I feel a bit more reassured that it’s not green!

So it could be id definitely be keeping an eye out for any other symptoms of things that aren't normal But so many things can affect babies poo such as teething obviously baby isn't teething that young but illness etc

@Charlotte what other symptoms did your little one have? Just so I have an idea what to keep an eye out for x

Yeah, usually with CMPA comes colic and unsettledness but as another poster has said it usually comes with a second symptom. For us it was rashing over chest and back and nape of neck which usually only came out after feeding and then faded.

@Nicole I believe the more “ korma “ like the more normal. When it’s very loose and watery is a sign

Really unsettled with wind, extremely bad reflux, really uncomfortable during and after feeds. Basically everything apart from the typical rash! X

My girl is very similar to Charlotte. Very unsettled due to wind, waking due to stomach pains and needing to fart, being sick (although not as much as some) over an hour after feeds. Her poo’s are also very green and incredibly runny and smelly as well as containing mucus. She also isn’t putting weight on as she should. She has been back on normal formula for a week because she keeps refusing prescription milk and I was so worried about her weight and we are now starting our 3rd different prescription milk 🤦🏼‍♀️

@Lauryn my little one was the same with waking due to pain and being sick sometimes two hours after feeds. We were back and forth so many times to GP, some just saying ‘spit up is normal’ I’m like ‘This is not just spit up when it’s hours after feeding!!’🤦‍♀️ I was pulling my hair out. Did you try mixing the prescription milk with the usual formula and weaning onto it that way, and maybe add a bit of vanilla essence the first few times to see if that helps? That’s what we did, we had to gradually decrease the amount of normal formula and then decrease the amount of vanilla we used. Also using a thickener helped as it’s very thin (it can cause constipation though but It didnt for us). Hope you get sorted soon x

@Charlotte aww poor baby 😔 I’ve been really fortunate that my health visitor has sorted it all for us tbf. We were originally given nutramigen and she just wouldn’t touch it, even 1 scoop with 4 scoops of normal she wouldn’t touch it to the point where she basically went on milk strike and hardly even touched normal milk for 2 days after I stopped trying to give it to her 🤦🏼‍♀️ went to the gp and he basically spent 20 mins reading up on the kinds of milk and then sent us away with pepti 1, she was ok with that for a couple of days (mixing it in) and then she just stopped again. It was to the point she was screaming because she was starving but she just wouldn’t drink it and it was worrying me because of her poor weight gain. She has been back on solely normal milk for a week and her symptoms have come back so we’ve started the sma althera tonight, she’s had 2 bottles with just 1 scoop in and seems ok so far 😅 my hv said not to use vanilla 😔 Who knew a baby could be so fussy 😩😂

@Lauryn it’s strange how your HV said that, as we tried it on the advice of a hospital dietician we are under! So much conflicting stuff! I hope the Althera works for you xx

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