@Alex yes I had a traumatic birth, I also suffer from health anxiety and with the complications from the birth it heightened it for me. I’m definitely sleep deprived, I’m getting about 3 hours a night at the moment with next to no little help. I’m eating mainly unhealthy quick food because I just don’t stop all day, my boy needs my full attention when he’s awake and only has short naps in the day. I definitely feel like I’m in the trenches at the moment and I’m struggling to see a way out of them to be honest. I try to give myself time and compassion but I’m so scared of letting people down or not doing my best I always make sure I go the extra mile which I know most of the time isn’t even needed :(
Continuation as I've reached the character limit: It might not always be possible to do so, sometimes you will end up stuffing them down or acting out and that's ok. Start with less scary emotions, like sadness or boredom, then work your way up to the rage. Let yourself really feel them instead of pushing them away. Breathe deeply and slowly and make a decision to be conscious in your body when the emotion appears. It might seem like it will drive you crazy, but actually the opposite happens. You will feel it strongly for a few minutes and then it will platou and eventually won't keep showing in your life anymore. If it seems like too much to do on your own, find a trauma informed therapist.
Hi incognito, that's me replying to your reply: That's sounds so hard, this level of sleep deprivation alone would put a mentally and physically healthy person on the edge. People often think sleep is a luxury and don't treat it with the seriousness that it deserves. There were numerous studies conducted that show that consistent sleep deprivation (less than 6 hours a night over a longer period of time) will put you at serious mental and physical health risks, as well as accidents because your brain starts micro napping at random times of the day. I'm not sure if it's due to insomnia or too many responsibilities, either way you need to treat it as a major personal emergency and seek help as soon as possible. It can be scary to start saying "no" to people when all your life you've been conditioned to think that you owe people your time and attention just to gain the privilege to merely exist, trust me, I've been there. The only people you owe your time to are your children and the people that pay you for it
Continuation: (like your boss). If it's an elderly or disabled relative, can they get funded for a carer? If it's a work thing, can you take time off? If it's a spouse or a friend that want attention, can you be honest with them about being in a crisis? Do they have empathy for you and do they reciprocate or do they just take? You don't need to answer me, just answer yourself. It's so tough and trust me, I've been there, it gets better if you let yourself get better.
Hiya, I have been experiencing the same thing for months now and have been in therapy since my LG was 3 months old. If you want to chat to someone who knows what you’re going through feel free to message. I still struggle most days but have found little things that help. The response you’ve had from Alex so far gives some amazing advice that I try to use too. It’s not easy and I feel as though I’m a completely different person and hate myself so much when I feel that level of rage over the tiniest things. Hormones, sleep disruption and a complete change in identity are bound to have an immense impact on our emotions and personality! Hope you feel better soon ❤️
@Paige thank you so much, it’s horrible not recognising myself anymore ☹️
Have you suffered from trauma, for example birth trauma or something before giving birth? Hormones and sleep deprivation can really exacerbate PTSD triggers and it can feel like you can't control it. If your babie's crying or whining is a trigger, get noise cancelling headphones. A mother's brain is biologically designed to respond to the baby as soon as possible, which means their cry can feel like torture sometimes. Make sure you eat regularly, hunger can make emotions feel overwhelming. Prioritise getting enough sleep. Most of all, practice self compassion. It's easy to judge yourself for not being at the top of your game. Start thinking to yourself the way you would talk to your best friend who is feeling down. Treat yourself just as good as you treat your baby, with kindness and understanding. This will slowly replace your inner critic. Another step, probably the hardest, is to stop and feel your emotions when you're feeling triggered.