Mine goes bezerk at night! I keep the car light on and have a car binky 🤣 get her soothed with it before we put her in the car
@Brittany great idea! Thank you! I think I need to bring more distractions for her. Maybe it is her getting bored. 😓
@Maly Yes! We have a car binky too! 😅
If not already doing this, Definitely try to get her to sleep before getting her in the car. Maybe if theres someone else in the car with you, someone can sit in the backseat to keep her entertained? My baby used to fall asleep instantly in the car but the past few weeks he has developed a hatred for his car seat. I think he needs more stimulation so I’m definitely gonna be trying what @Brittany mentioned with the cards on the seat!
Paste your printed photo smiling in front of her
Music, and I put high frequency cards on the seat so she can see them. I make sure she has something to look at. I make sure she is not too warm. I was so worried my little girl was cold that she got over warm and that was the reason she was screaming once. Practice at home. When you have to do the dishes put her in her carseat for a few minutes so she gets use to it, or when your doing something. I travel for a living and am an only parent so my little girl travels a lot and I made she to use the carseat as one of the places I place her when doing things. That seemed to help a lot.