Formula amounts

For those whose are formula feeding, how much are you giving per feed? My little girl is 8 days old and often draining 120mls every 3-4 hours and then still looking around for more an hour or so later. She was 8lbs 8oz at birth and only dropped 4% since
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My 3 week old has 120ml per feed

My little boy is 13 days old and drinking 3-4oz every 4 hours

My baby was 9lb 5oz, and he’s on 90ml every 3 hours at the moment. My midwife recommended trying to consistently feed every 3 hours to get an extra feed in, rather than go up anymore mls in a sitting to avoid bloating/trapped wind! Not sure if this makes sense, but instead of us doing 100ml for 6 feeds (every 4hours) which means baby gets 600ml total, we do 90ml for 8 feeds (every 3 hours) which means baby gets 720ml total for the day!

My girl is drinking 4oz-5oz every 3-4 hours and she’s 18 days old

My baby girl is 5 days old and taking 90ml every 3-4 hours, and she was 7lb 3oz born. I was worried about how quickly her feeds were increasing, but my midwife said today not to worry about it, and she'll stop when she's full

At 9 days mine was doing about 70/80mls every 4 hours x

My 2 week old is also on 120ml every 2-3 hours but doesn’t always drink the whole bottle. She was 8lbs 11oz when born and has dropped 6%

120ml at 8 days old does sound like quite a lot - my baby is 17 days old and is on 90ml per feed, but then her birth weight was much lower at 6.2lb. What does the box of formula she’s on recommend for her age? (Obviously this is a guide only) Are you doing paced feeding to give her a chance to catch up during feeds? Is she showing signs of being over fed such as spitting up a lot after bottles? If not, then it probably is right - maybe worth dropping into a health visitor drop in clinic to discuss with them if you’re concerned though?

My 3 week old has 120- 150 ml per feed every 3 hours shez 8lb 13oz now Her birth weight was 7lb I think it’s normal as we have to follow their hunger cues and feed every 3 hours x …! you’ve got this

My baby is older than yours (born prematurely in Oct) but he now weighs about almost 9lb (5lb at birth). He easily has 140ml every 2-3 hours now and often seems to want more

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