@Darcey I did go doctors they sent me mental health and they told me it’s just my hormones and because I’m 20 years old which makes me a young mum, I have no one the baby’s dad don’t help my family don’t really help it’s like I’m crying for help from everyone and professionals and no one wants to hear or listen to me xx
It’s understandable maybe therapy and just having someone to vent will help. It’s really hard job being a first time mom while doing everything alone. It’s exhausting not having ppl there to help.
That's horrid, speak to your hv as they can also refer as well xx
Please reach out to me I was in your position. Please you are not alone, message me so we can talk
Post natal depression can last for a lot longer than 6 months, there's no shame in it and there's no shame in speaking these feelings allowed, the fact that you're worrying about these feelings so much proves that you're not a shit mum. You need to reach out to your doctors for support and help. I'm currently in a similar position, pregnant, doing it alone with a 6 year old and I have feelings of anxiety, worries etc about how ill cope and that's okay, those feelings like yours are valid, understandable and there's no shame to be had, it sounds like you need a hug so badly my love x