I’ve done it about 4 times in the last week and I’d say last couple days I’ve been having cramps and back pain. Not regularly though
I expressed for the first time one morning, and had the baby at 11:30pm that evening! No idea if the two were related though lol
I'm about two weeks in and after a rocky start seem to have found the knack to it. Baby is a lot more active while I'm expressing but that might just be because I'm relaxed. No cramps or labour signs so far 😅
No labouring signs but when I am expressing colostrum I am definatly experiencing some form of cramping internally
So, had my baby. Contractions started after my post and a healthy baby arrived 😍 💕
Hugeeee congratulations hun 🥺♥️♥️
Hiiii I have been expressing since last week (not much tho) and I have had cramping for quite a few days 🙈 but nothing else happening