Depends on what you are high risk for. They’ll do a risk assessment and make the plan of care for the rest of the pregnancy (if you need additional scans, bloods etc)
If I remember rightly it was an initial check in saying how many scans I would have, what they would be looking out for and I think she said that she would prefer if I didn’t plan for a home birth
I don’t personally think they do a great deal as you see a difference one every time. They go through a bit of history, and send off for you to be booked for extra scans. Ask if you have any questions ect
Thanks everyone! That’s fine, I was just panicking as I thought they were going to ask my plans for birth etc which I haven’t yet decided and was feeling under prepared. 💕
I have a call next week aswell, also 16 weeks and high risk. Mine is for the metabolic clinic and the midwife said it was just to go over my diet and stuff like that x