CIO method

I’m actually so shocked that someone has just told me to leave my daughter in a room alone with the door shut to have a tantrum, let her “scream bloody murder” then after a while go in settle her and then leave again. How desensitised do you have to be to your child’s feelings to be able to do this… I could never! It breaks my heart when she’s worked herself up crying too much I’d never let her cry herself to sleep. I’m her safe space, not her torturer!
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I think it depends on the child. My daughter gets worked up more if I try to console her before she’s ready. I kind of have to let her CIO to a point before she will let me help her. She’s 3.

But to just let them cry cause it’s an inconvenience is crazy

I could never let my children CIO.

@Taylor mines like that when she’s having a tantrum if I try cuddle her she fights to get away so I let her work it out usually only 10 seconds then she calms down, but to leave her alone in a room with door shut and listen to her screaming, breaks my heart I could never

@Kristy nor me, hearing her cry breaks my heart I don’t have it in me to ignore it

This is probably borne out of sheer frustration and not knowing what else to do. Toddlers tantrums are challenging. Not a fan of CIO methods and emotional regulation is really the responsibility of the adult for a young child. In practice that can be hard to do, but so important. Co-regulation is key.

I think it would depend on the child age and the reason they are crying. If there is nothing wrong other then they are having a temper tantrum for example not getting what they want at the time they want it then I would let them get it out of there system. I am a single mum and my baby will scream and cry if I put him down but if I didn't nothing would get down. I know he is fine, he's fed and changed but doesn't like to be put in his cot, it doesn't mean I don't care just that it's what I have to do

I second what Annabel said. There’s a difference for sure

I’ve had to leave my first born crying before simply because I couldn’t cope and had to walk out and even though I was frustrated it absolutely broke my heart listening to her so upset and it actually got me out of my frustration and instantly went and held her! Certainly won’t be doing it with my second born. I couldn’t imagine if I needed my mommy or daddy and I was screaming for them and noone ever came.. 💔😭

Definitely depends on the child. For my sometimes that’s what we need to do. We need to leave them to figure out what they need then go in and help them. We don’t leave them for super super long. But sometimes we do.

Baby no toddler yes to an extent.. I couldn’t leave them for hours on end but 5/10 mins then go in to check in on them 🤷🏻‍♀️

@Amelia that makes 100% sense. Because who can listen to their child scream like that and not run in

@Sera Kay ✨ exactly that, it just tugs at the heart strings, they cry because they can’t tell us what they want, and being alone in a dark room is probably scary for them, they just want their mummy 😭

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