Im expressing and giving formula the same as you, and this happened to my baby as well. What i have tried to do is keep him upright much as possible when feeding, burping him regularly then keeping him upright after for about 10 mins just incase it could be reflux. He is having about 3oz, and sometimes wants more as well. I just try to space it out a little bit. But my health visitor suggested if he is having breastmilk they tend to want feeding every 1-2hrs as its easily digested. Formula is slowly digested.
We have found the same with our daughter. She is 3 weeks old. We fixed this by pacing the extra top up .. longer feeding sessions but she throws up way less
Sometimes babies show feeding cues when they have wind (either end). Have you tried getting her upright and trying to get a burp out of her first?
@Katie I think this could be part of the problem too, she's terrible for getting wind up, tried all positions and she barely gets any up, been on infacol for a few days now which seems to be helping a little bit. Tried bicycle kicks and rubbing her tummy too. Will just have to keep going with the winding and hope it improves!
@Zöe I just feel like I'm making this whole parenting thing up as I go! 😆
@Lauren @Lucia thank you I'll try your suggestions out 😊
We are all making this up as we go ;)
My little girl has started doing the same thing yesterday too! Although she's a premie and is only 39 weeks technically so isn't drinking anywhere near the same amount. I don't have any advice as I'm still trying to figure out myself 😅