Timing between feeds?

I’ve recently moved from ebf to formula feeding and I’m really struggling to get my head round how often I should be giving my lb a bottle and the timings. When I was breastfeeding I offered a feed every two hours, he very rarely cries from hunger. also during the night, if they wake from hunger do you give a full 180ml? He’s 20weeks, not sure of exact weight he was 16lbs a few weeks ago! Would love to hear how much you feed your lo and how often?
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Every 3 hours offer formula They can go upto 4 hours of being full then I would advice you to give them milk. If they get hungry before 3 hours you can give them a bottle. I vary between 120ml-150ml every baby is different though! Throughout the day baby has milk every 2-3 hours I offer 5oz. If baby wakes up at night I know she doesn’t drink a full bottle so I offer 4oz and she goes back to sleep. Most mums say full bottles every three hours throughout the day allows the baby to sleep throughout the night

You can always change around from 150ml - 180ml for example, if baby wakes up middle of the night and is tired you don’t need to make a big amount

So my Lo has always been formula bottled fed as I wasn’t able to breastfeed. He is currently 4 1/2 months and has 210ml’s every 3-4 hours. Now one thing I will say is ignore the side of the tub!! I spoke to my health visitor as the tub states my son should be on 4-5oz however, she said it’s a guide and every baby will feed different. My suggestion would be to give 180ml/6oz if that is what LO is taking and if they drink it and still appear hungry then up it. Roughly 3-4 hours between feeds is normal as formula is thicker than breastmilk and fills their little tummies for longer. If my little one wakes in the night I will make a full 210ml bottle and he may leave 1/2oz sometimes and sometime has it all. You may fine you waste formula in comparison to breast obviously they only take what they need. But it won’t take long for baby to get into their own little routine!:) any other questions feel free to pop me a message!:)

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