Been getting them since 14weeks this is my second pregnancy
@Lucy I’m getting them a few times a day now! My lower back is quite sore now! Think I need to finish work but I want to carry on for another 2 weeks but not even sure I can at this point! It’s usually during the night I get them and when I walk to work 😂😂 I’ve defo had worse period pains it’s just uncomfortable and makes you panic 😂😂
Absolutely. Made me panic yesterday because they felt quite strong! Mine are when I'm walking around too..and at the end of the day. Stress can bring them on apparently; something to bear in mind, depending on what your job is. I love my job and am hoping to work up until the end of the year (due mid Jan), but I hear you! It's getting tough!! I have been lucky enough never to suffer with period pains, so the braxton hicks is a bit of an eye-opener 😬
I'm almost 34 weeks but haven't experienced any yet I don't think 🤔 I get the odd mild cramping but it doesn't feel like a tightening as it's described by others...
@Lucy yeah mine was quite strong this morning at 2.30am! 🙃😂😂 but seen midwife today and put me at ease! I work in retail and it’s busiest time of year. It’s mostly mentally draining if anything else but my emotions are all over colleague asked if I was ok today my eyes filled up with tears can’t even tell you why 😂😂😂😂 just had a bath and it was amazing it’s helped to relax me just before bed! 👌🏼 I’m due 21st Jan was Gona take maternity 1st jan now 24th December
Yeh I’m starting to get them 2/3 times a day. Extremely painful I find peeing helps , and Kneeling on hands and knees.
Yessss, kneeling on hands and knees really helps me too! Well..face down...ass up kinda thing 😂 (Don't do this in front of your husband, because that's what got us into this mess...)
@Lucy haha very true. When I’m in pain as do this position he starts laughing for the same reason.
With my first pregnancy I was convinced I was in labour every night towards the end 😭 babies just preparing you for labour unfortunately! But if you start to have regular more painful ones it may be the start x
I'm 36+5 and don't think I've felt any at all. Good to know what might help if I do though!
@Amy yeah my midwife said keep an eye on them! I had a bubble bath before bed last night and it really helped struggled to get out coz I’m bloody huge 😂😂😂
@Gemma have you got an app You can time contractions etc just incase? I remember being told if it eases when you move around you are ok.. but everyone is different, it’s so difficult to determine 🫣 keep us updated hun!!
@Amy no I don’t have an app but I’ve herd about it!! I’m hoping someone can finally help me at work today to bring my maternity forward coz my midwife said she thinks it’s probably best I do due to feeling rubbish etc she said I wasn’t my usual self yesterday said I’m just so tired and then braxton hicks and work 😂😂 very emotional at the minute 🙃😂 my Bath helped and didn’t have any last night just very slightly but I fell asleep! 👌🏼👌🏼
@Gemma definitely go off on maternity, nothing worse than the stress of work on top of everything! Time to chill 🤣🥰 If the braxton hicks come more frequently and more painful.. ring the hospital x
Yep, I'm nearly 35 weeks and getting them each day. They catch me off guard 😮💨 Not overly painful, but certainly quite intense and distracting. I get them overnight occasionally too. Warm compress, hot shower, bit of paracetamol if needed...and a sit down with legs up! They started around 28 weeks for me and I feel like they've got more intense as time has gone on. Probably getting me ready for the big day 😬🙈😫