I was told if you wean before 6 months everything has to be sterilised but if you wait until after then you don’t. Not really sure what difference a few weeks makes but I think it’s mainly because their digestive systems are a bit more robust after 6 months
Not weaning yet but to echo Kira above, no I won’t be. Weaning, like painting a room is fun, new and exciting for about five minutes. You’ll plan the meals, cook the meals ( which if you are cooking food for yourself or other children is an additional task in a busy mix) take the pictures, tick off the foods etc. However, if you are doing BLW, which is what I did with my first, it is a never ending cycle of unbelievable mess. Food everywhere, laundry doubling, your time cleaning the area they eat tripling. Believe me when I say the last thing in the mix you are going to want to do is sterilise and you don’t need to!
I'm not quite there yet, but I won't be sterilising any of the above. I didn't with my first 2 either.