I’m just rude to people that do that. Absolutely no reason at all to be touching someone’s baby that you don’t know. Especially, in your situation, a cleaning lady. You don’t know if she washed her hands after using chemicals, you don’t know if she washes her hands at all, it’s flu season, she cleans peoples rooms that could have been sick. Gross.
I think older women (men too actually) often crave babies. They miss that time in their life and are completely blind to the fact that it’s not acceptable in today’s society to just touch other people’s children whenever you want.
Ouch that is so rude I can’t believe she said that! I can’t understand why people think it’s ok. I would never touch someone else’s baby without their permission. Sorry that happened. Maybe do some energy sweeping over your baby to push that woman’s vibes away!
@Lisa this! Yes I feel it’s always their generation and they don’t c wrong in their actions jc it was ok back then but now we have more info n noe that it’s not. I hate people like that. It’s so wrong of them to think they can touch your baby.
How rude, backtracking on the compliment and calling your baby ugly is so weird as well! I don’t know what it is with people wanting to touch babies all the time. Sorry for the unsolicited advice, I hope you don’t mind me saying but babies should face inwards till around 6 months when they have better head/neck control. I find baby wearing is usually a good way to keep people from touching your baby!
Nope. Some people have no respect for literally no good reason. I have a hat I used to wear when my son was extra little that said “don’t fucking touch my baby”. You don’t need to please other people, especially strangers. It’s not your job to coddle them.
Calling a baby ugly is super out of pocket of her and she shouldn’t have said that. Next time though I’d say “I have to be very careful with her she’s very delicate & too little sorry, but please don’t touch her. Thank you for the compliment I appreciate it.” In a soft tone. I don’t really believe in bad juju from random people. Your baby will be okay. God’s got her.
No I don’t let strangers touch my baby no matter what! Same when I was pregnant and people touched my belly without consent. This is your daughter, you determine what’s safe and what’s not. You have no idea if that person used to have something that could get the baby sick. The one time we decided to take our daughter to a restaurant and the waiter touched her without any of our consent, she was sick the next day. Maybe it wasn’t the waiter but overall, it was enough for me to decide that everyone MUST wash hands and I MUST know you to let you hold my baby
People like that have mental illness smh
Um I would say so but I also am not into people being all up in my babies faces so I never forward face my strollers or carriers so that my babies aren’t easily accessible to others . I’m not so much of a stickler about touching but I also don’t really take my babies around people until the 4 month mark. The comment was out of line she should have more control particularly being a representative of company who I would think should operate with a higher standard. She felt insulted I’m sure because I mean she kinda was but idk I just know not to touch other people’s babies not everyone is aware of this I guess. People have touched my babies before and I personally wouldn’t tell them not to because I find it harsh - unnecessary,and know that they’re not picking my baby up etc to affect them negatively particularly since I’m right there …etc but at the end of the day it’s your child and that’s your prerogative
How rude! I would’ve done the exact same thing as you. It’s that time of year. Colds, flu, covid, ect. Even if it wasn’t this time of year, no strangers should ever touch your baby without your or your husbands permission. I’m sorry this happened but it was totally unacceptable on her part. Weird she doesn’t know that as she’s workin a hotel and has probably ran into other babies as well.
It really annoys me the amount of strangers that don’t understand babies have personal space too🙈
It’s weird for me , especially when ppl look in my stroller I be wondering who they looking for
I’d email the hotel and tell them about the situation, surely staff aren’t meant to be touching people/kids & the end comment was uncalled for
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You shouldn’t physcially touch ANYONE including children without consent from them or their parent. Obviously safety reasons would be the exception. But people are so rude.
Who cares how a stranger feels? Your baby’s protection comes first.
You’re definitely not in the wrong. Please report the situation to the hotel because that’s extremely horrible that she’d speak to you that way after you’re just protecting the baby YOUR body created and birthed🤦🏽♀️ and you don’t even know the lady!!!! Some ppl get so offended by not being able to touch kids, and it’s so weird to me. I would never touch someone else’s child!!!
People touch my babies all the time and take photos. It really annoys me!
Wow I think I would have punched her ngl
We had this a lot on holiday, a women we met told me if anyone tries to touch baby just go to touch their face back 😅 when they ask why just say you did it to my baby first. Soon stops and makes people think 😂
A woman tried to pull my baby's hat up yesterday so she could see him better in the carrier. He's literally strapped to my chest and she reached over. I didn't say anything but just stepped back. I get that she thought he was cute but it's still not her place to touch him. You have every right to protect your child and decide who has contact with them.
People should respect other people's space, particularly babies who can easily catch things, so you shouldn't have to feel bad about pointing it out if they don't. However if like me you feel awkward about it I always say she's been really ill recently and I don't want you to catch it as I move her away. Not true but seems to work.
sorry that’s disgusting behavior. “nvm the baby is ugly then” ???? imma throw hands, people need to have more respect and less entitlement 🤢
I had a stranger try to kiss my baby once in the grocery store. I overreacted, but my fight or flight? Fight came out. I caused such a scene and was embarrassed of myself but who the fuck walks up and tries to kiss a random baby???!!! I don’t even let my family kiss my baby. People constantly approached me whenever I was out with my son. They still do. He’s almost 2 and he is very beautiful. I can’t stand how entitled people act
One day I was getting food for my mom and a man came behind me and kissed me on the back of my neck and till this day i remember no one helping me the Chinese ppl in the store asking me if I knew the man and laughing at me while I cried bc I was so scared yeah I don’t play none of that I will tell them back up before you get beat up
Some people really don’t respect personal space and boundaries. If I see a cute baby I smile and maybe talk to them but I’d never touch them! I wouldn’t want somebody touching my kids so you were right in what you said to her