I have a 3 1/2 year old and a 3 week old. My toddler goes to pre school 3 days a week. Each morning my husband has a little time before going to work so helps me out with breakfast etc. so far on pre school days, both wake between 6 and 7. I feed the baby, husband sorts the toddlers breakfast and gets her dressed before he leaves. After baby is fed, I get myself ready and then we walk down to the school. So far on non pre school days, they've been very chilled or with visitors as I'm not driving yet
I have a 2 year old and a 5 week old so I’m quite struggling as my 2 year old doesn’t seem to Understand basic words like stop yet🥹
I have a toddler 2.5 yrs and a 4 week old baby. My toddler goes to nursery 3 days a week. So those days I don't have a routine, whatever baby and I want to do. The other days we do all soet of activities, soft plays, park, etc. I don't really have a routine. Bedtime changes too depending on naps and how tired she is.