I’ve had this over the years… I don’t let it bother me because I know all that I am to my baby. Food source? Yes, with that comes comfort, security and a bond no1 else can have with my baby but me. So when they say that I take it and laugh it off… all they can ever have are cuddles but to ur baby you are everything! Who cares how they see it it’s about knowing the bond you have with ur baby.
@Zaza That's a good way to think about it, I'll have to start letting things brush iff me a little more. I'm a FTM and this is my parent's and my in-laws first grandbaby and my baby is just 10 weeks. I already have a tough relationship with my MIL, and she thinks that she is my baby's favorite person, and I swear tries to overshadow me and only wants to give her up if she's hungry...so I think that's why it gets to me so much...
@Alyssa ahhhh I get exactly what u mean!!! Sounds like with ur MIL it’s coming from a place of insecurity and dare I say jealousy… she knows you are everything to baby, everything she could never be so her comments are just her way of getting a little upper hand, to diminish ur role. My advice hun, don’t let her see she’s getting to u. The more she see ur irritated the more she’ll do it. When she says it hold ur head up high give her a little smirk and go take ur baby off her! She’ll soon think twice. If it worsens speak to your husband to put his mother in line. But honestly don’t give her the satisfaction. There is no competition here at all! Enjoy ur baby 💕💕
@Zaza Great advice! I need to remember this! I definitely let her get to me a little too much.
@Alyssa you’ve just started on this amazing journey of motherhood don’t let anyone take a second of joy away from u. Especially when they’ve already experienced it for themselves. You’re doing great! All the best mama💕💕💕
@Zaza ❤️❤️❤️ I appreciate that!!
Relatable 🥲🥲
Never from my family friends or in laws but I have jokingly referred to myself as a human vending machine since becoming a mother 🥲