Are you using a carrier? I understand what you are saying but one of my friends said the right thing yesterday "baby won't know any different" yes.. you are not doing the same but there are loads of new things they are experiencing that your first didn't like having a Sibling and playing with them :) don't be too hard on yourself x
Feel exactly the same and getting baby into a routine feels hopeless because the toddlers is already up and running and baby just has to fit round it - which isn’t great for establishing a proper routine!
@Tabbi aww I know so different!!! I know and she’s such a happy baby too, her face lights up whenever you talk to her and she’s so smiley, I just wish I could split myself in 2 haha x
@Isa yea we use the sling a lot, but baby is also happy going on her playmat or swinging chair, she’s such a content baby and maybe that makes me feel bad too because she never fussed about being put down, sounds silly I know 😂 x
@Shanika oh gosh yeah we have no routine 🫠 we just have to go with the flow this time round x
You’re definitely not alone. I have a 22 month old and a 14 week old and the guilt is real. I often feel guilty for my youngest because she doesn’t get the same attention my first got and I don’t do anywhere near as much floor time with her. I also feel guilty for my first as she often has to wait because I’m busy with her sister e.g if I’m feeding her. I just keep reminding myself that both babies are happy and healthy and it will get easier x
@Shannon yes this is exactly how I feel!! 🫠 but we are doing our best! & like you say they’re happy and healthy x
@Ellie Mc it’s so hard splitting your time. My girls are both unwell at the minute and I solo parent during the day so it’s even harder to split my time at the minute 😅 but they both know they’re loved, they’re happy and I do my very best to give them both even just 5/10 mins 1:1 time a day x
I completly understand where you’re coming from? I get mum guilt too. I’ve got a 3year old and a 12 weeker. I’m hoping the mum guilt gets easier :(
@Sam my daughter is 2 Xmas eve also!! How funny haha! I also can sympathise with the behaviour my daughter has starting hitting since baby has come along which makes it difficult to get out to places as I worry about how she’s going to behave, but it’s all normal for their development, just not nice when it’s happening 🤦🏽♀️ x
Honestly i feel this. I’m caring for my 7yr old and 5yr old nephews and i do have a short temper especially when my 13wk old is crying… Its really difficult however i love it. I carry my baby everywhere which everyone says im wrong for doing so😂 My LO isn’t really into the baby sensory stuff but loves being carried round the house watching what my nephews are doing
I could have wrote this myself! I have a 20 month old and 10 week old! I feel such bad mum guilt for both, if I'm breast feeding the baby my toddler looks so sad that she's not getting my attention and then baby is just plonked in her bouncer most of the time! She's also a very happy and content baby so never moans but that makes me feel worse in a strange way?
Aw I feel you my son is 3 in April and my little girl is 3 months. Maternity leave is so different this time round but I do find she enjoys watching him playing as he is so full of energy and noise 😂 so I think although it’s different I think she is quite happy doing what we are doing and we both always talk to her even when we are playing etc xx