My 1st induction was 36 hours. My second was 14 hours. The pessary worked straight away this time and no drip was needed xx
Mine was perfect! I went in 6pm on 27th Dec 2022 didn’t have the pessary in until 1am on 28th as had to have some monitoring first. Then pessary came out at 1am on 29th got a room on labour ward at 5pm waters broken at 6pm baby born by 10.17pm. Had no need for the hormone drip as once waters were broken everything moved pretty quickly. It was honestly perfect I’m due again in June and I’m desperate for another induction as I loved the experience. Hope that brings you some comfort xx
My induction was really quick and went well
@Keely I really Hope this is the case ❤️❤️ honestly the 5 days induction is a killer isn’t it ! Sounds relatively similar to my experience. I’m honestly so petrified this time , I keep crying 😂 the thought of leaving my 11 month old for even 1 Night let alone possibly 5 is literally breaking my heart xx
Hi Ladies, Going in for induction tomorrow morning for my first... Me and the other half are aware it might not happen over night and as some of you have said your first took 5 days.... hoping you might be able to answer one question I do have! What did your birth partner do? Assuming they can't stay in the hospital if your not in avrice labour? Did they carry on with normal routine, go to work ect until called upon? I am feeling pretty chilled about the situation, but we are both a bit like should he just carry on and go to work if nothing is happening 🤣🤣 Thank you in advance! Xx
My partner when home at night to get rest and spent the day with me but mine was short and he was called back at 2am for the bit th 🤣
i could of written this myself as i’m wanting to know what happened 2nd time round ? as im been induced in few weeks time can you let me know how yours went please many thanks
I had an induction on my 1st baby which lasted 5 days of pessarys and then the drip and epidural on the final night. And I’m also being induced for my 2nd baby in January. I’m so anxious that either it will go the same and despite the long time to labour i got my pain free birth or of if i will labour quick and not get chance to have another epidural and be in total pain throughout. The midwives have said usually 2nd babies arrive quicker and our body knows how to labour quicker. So fingers crossed only 48 hours at most for our 2nd babies.