@Fiona i did try to explain to him but it felt he wasnt taking on any of my concerns with validity
I personally do not mess with any contraceptive pill/injection or etc except condoms. They all seem to have more disadvantages than advantages.
You don't have to do anything you don't want to. I'm not allowed to take the pill anymore, and I'm grateful as I also felt so much better after coming off of it!
If you don't want to take it don't. Maybe try and get a new appointment to see someone different or go to sexual health clinic to talk through options
I’m confused how the conversation went. Doctors can’t just ‘put you’ on contraception, you choose from the options available?
See if he’ll give you a non hormonal form like the copper iud. I know when I was on hormonal birth control I felt awful all the time. Super irritable, very emotionally reactive, - I wouldn’t go back on the hormones if you’re concerned about your mental health - it’s hard enough dealing with postpartum without worrying about how your birth control is going to make you feel.
I do not recommend contraceptions to anyone.. There are so many side effects and while I was on it me too had some depression so I stopped. I really recommend using condoms or maybe try the coil, at the same time try go to the gym to keep the depression away, or even yoga or pilates from home, start with few minutes and increase, avoid sugar and eat an healthy diet is the best you can do to improve your mood! And try some hobbies, painting, creating things.. It really does help!
Mmmmm I would say condom or stronger pull out game cause contraceptives aren’t good for you at all like.
I assume you mentioned this when the GP prescribed you the pill? Have you tried a progesterone only pill or would you consider a coil? I found I had fewer symptoms with the coil than the pill