Sex after c-section.

Hey all! I'm just curious what everyones experiences were with sex after their c-section. I'm coming up to my 6 week appointment (my husband is thrilled lol) but I'm a little nervous for the first time we have sex again. During my second and third trimester, sex wasn't very enjoyable for me due to a lot of increased sensitivity, pain, and dryness due to hormones. Obviously as a breastfeeding mum and just giving birth my hormones are still balancing out, and also with the recovery from surgery, I'm nervous that sex still won't be very enjoyable and might be painful? Before my pregnancy, our relationship was very physical so the past 7 months have been a very big adjustment for us and we've been looking forward to slowly regaining our sex lives. My recovery has gone pretty ok, but I am still tender but also numb around the scar. I just want to know other people's experiences and what I may expect .Did anyone have pelvic pain or increased sensitivity due to the c-section surgery? Did your hormones make things more difficult? We haven't had vaginal sex for a few months now and my husband is really looking forward to it. I've already told him we will have to take it really slow which he is respectful of. I don't want my nerves to get the best of me and just need some experience stories (good and bad!) to prepare myself.
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Girl I’m in the same boat, I’m 6 weeks postpartum, my appointment is coming up this week. My husband is eager to know if we can have the green light. But I’m nervous personally. Not sure how different it’ll feel. I’ve read some of these threads that it’s painful the first go around for mamas that had vaginal deliveries. We’re in a slightly different boat? I’m also so exhausted that it hasn’t put me in the mood.

Take it slow and find the comfortable position. But don't force yourself if your not feeling it! Me and my partner had sex earlier than we should have but that's because I felt so to it and wanted it. Took it very slow and communicated the whole time and we made sure to be gentle etc.sone positioning,angles and paces did hurt but the communication was key to finding that comfortable position

@Dara my appointment is also in a few days and I'm pretty nervous. I feel like no one really talks about sex after c-section, just after vaginal birth. Hubs is counting down the days haha it's a big form of connection and stress release for him so it's an important part of our relationship, but with my body dysmorphia and low self confidence from gaining so much weight during pregnancy, along with exhaustion, sore breasts etc I just haven't been feeling it. I think it's causing me more anxiety. Good luck on your end! I hope everything goes well.

@Jorja Hubs has said that he'll just let me take the lead to go at my own pace and comfortability, my nerves are probably getting the best of me.

That's completely understandable but at least you have both spoken about it, just start off slow and if you don't feel comfortable etc then leave it for another day sort of thing. It honestly isn't too bad though once your find the comfortable place etc it's all about how you feel and when you feel ready to do it x

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