How many bottles and how many oz are your baby’s on now?

My boy is 7 months tomorrow and has 6/7oz four times a day and a bottle in the night but I’ve just read on the formula tub he should be having 3 bottles a day at 7 months (I know this is just a guide) I’ve noticed he isn’t finishing his bottles anymore and doesn’t seem hungry. Weaning isn’t going great either so he isn’t full from solids as he barely eats anything 🤔
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3 bottles? Doesn’t seem like much! My girl is on 5x6/7 oz. She’s also not fussed for weaning and as I understand milk should be their main source of calories at the moment. I would go by what baby wants as long as he’s gaining weight and having wet nappies x

Still having 6 5oz bottles a day! They only really start to drop milk once they are properly eating their meals

4 X 7 oz bottles

My baby has 4oz x5-6 a day.. doesn't drink more than 4oz at a time.. weaning has made her drink a little less Hv said to continue follow baby cues as long as she's putting on weight. I wouldn't worry too much x

3 bottles 7oz on waking, 7oz mid afternoon and 8oz before bed. He is about to drop to only 2 bottles probably in the next few weeks though as he hardly finishes his morning one normally x

My baby 7 months has 3 7oz a day and 1 through the night. He has breakfast (eats all of this) and he has tea (picks and chooses with this meal).

Our 7 month (nearly 8 months) old has 5/6 ounce bottles every 3 hours. Weaning isn’t going as well as we’d thought either but turned a bit of a corner this week. Sometimes our little one isn’t interested in finishing his bottles as well. Think a lot of it is down to teething with him.

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