Stopping Formula

Hi Everyone my baby boy is 10 months old, practically 11. He recently started rejecting formula he would drink it but then barf it. He's big on Gerber and Gerber snacks, very interested in big people food. What can I feed him so he still gets the nutrients of the formula? Or does he even need milk ?
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Let him stop if he likes! Formula is high in calcium, protein, carbohydrates, iron, prebiotics, and other vitamins. Nothing he can’t get from food itself! Calcium: dairy products Protein: meat, seafood, beans, peas lentils and much more Carbohydrates: potatoes, rice, bread Iron: liver, lamb, beef, I believe kidney beans as well Prebiotics: I think giving him fruits and veggies, whole grains, would be good

Also be careful giving him too much cows milk as it can cause his teeth to rot. Make sure to brush his teeth once he’s introduced to dairy! My sister would drink whole milk as a toddler and my mom would not brush her teeth at night so eventually her teeth started to rot and she has 2-3 crowns from tooth rot

@Bridget well he's not having any milk what so ever and he's been doing fine

I would check with a pediatrician. I was told an infant needed breastmilk/ formula until the age of 1.

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