@Markeiysha ok i will try adding in tummy time & the kicks
I use mommy bliss gas drops, they work pretty instantly within a couple minutes other than that I gently massage his belly button area
Does your baby burp every time? And do you drink caffeine (if BF). I saw that if they don’t burp… they still need to burp. Bc if they don’t, that turns into gas. My baby was super gassy until I started not laying her down until she burped no matter how long it took lol. I also won’t drink a coffee until my pump session, like drinking it as I pump, and then won’t pump/BF until at least 4 hours after drinking the caffeine.
@Amanda Brown yes she does burp everytime
@Barira ok ill try that
Gas drops don’t help us. My baby cries from her horrible gas. I hate it, I feel so bad. My sister swears by windys for baby’s. She’s getting me some today to try. I’ll let you know how it goes!
Not sure how your feeding but my LO is exclusively breastfed and when she started struggling with gas what worked for us was to switch from cross-cradled breastfeeding position to laid-back position, it’s made a world of difference!
My friend told me a warm heat pad on her crib or surface while doing tummy time helped her baby. It could also be phase while their digestive system is maturing. My baby was super gassy for 2-3 weeks and now seems a lot better and easier to burp.
I have a gassy baby as well I been using mycolin drops and bicycle kicks 3 times a day for 3 minutes , tummy time can help relieve gas as well.