Potty training - before or after baby arrives?

Our little one is 2.1 years old. We’re expecting another baby in March. I’m wondering if to try potty training now or wait until after the baby is here? I’ve heard that sometimes kids can regress with toilet training with a new arrival but if I wait until baby’s here and we’re more settled, I feel like we may have missed the sweet spot 🤦🏽‍♀️
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before definitely. my LG was mostly potty trained before i gave birth. she did regress when baby arrived but she was back to bring trained again after a few days. it’s a long process but better to get the hard part out the way when you don’t have another baby to care for

@I W fab thank you! Any tips for potty training?

I would wait until summer

I’m in the same position and due to give birth in Jan but have decided to wait until the summer. I just don’t think I can focus on a newborn and potty training in the winter so hopefully by the summer I’ll be in a better routine and can focus on it properly! X

@Uzma, congratulations on your pregnancies. Remember you from your 1st pregnancies

Our 2nd is due end of March and we started potty training just before his 2nd bday in nov. So glad we have done it before baby. But it’s time consuming and being heavily pregnant may be exhausting! It’s a lot of bending down when out, lifting up, it’s actually quite physical - and still is for us 8 weeks on now he’s trained. I think I would struggle starting the process 6mths pregnant. Something to consider :) I think I would wait till the summer when baby is settled and better weather and you are back to “normal”

@Francesca this is really helpful, thank you! I’m due beginning of Feb and had planned to start potty training over Xmas but then Sod’s Law, my little boy got chickenpox and I felt he would probably not appreciate having potty training thrown at him simultaneously! I didn’t consider how much bending/lifting would be involved so you’ve persuaded me to hold off a bit longer until baby is here!

@Anna I found it more so when we out and when I didn’t want him to touch public toilets etc or when out in the park you have to be quick at whipping the potty out. It’s just a drama and needs a bit of strength!

@ashi - thank you!

@beth using a reward chart, i got a magnetic one n used a hook on the fridge & the tiktok toilet seat with step. i went cold turkey with wearing underwear only & no potty so the toilet really helps them get used to it.

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