Tbh you worry about different things the older they get. I would say I find the moving stage easier than the non moving age. My youngest tends to cry a lot when I have to put him down and the guilt gets to me. My advice is to talk to your health visitor. I did when my oldest was younger and we consulted with a nursery nurse who helped ALOT
I found the tiny baby phase hardest with my first and definitely again this time. I find it easier as they get older as you can communicate. Toddlers are hilarious and so enthusiastic and full of wonder, I love it! Each phase will have its challenge but like everything “this too shall pass” xxx
Thank you ladies ♥️
It's normal to have these worries mama. It only gets worse as they get older too. It's what makes you a brilliant mummy. If you didn't care and didn't love your baby, you wouldn't worry. It's all part of parenthood. I'm a mummy of 4 aged 6 and under, and trust me, when they start nursery/school the worries ramp up, when they make friends the worries ramp up, when they're poorly it gets worse and then they become teenagers and you worry where they are, who they're with, if they're safe, if they're being sensible etc it never stops. Just try and slow your thoughts down and enjoy the moments you have with your baby.