Car Seat Position?

I'm due in about 3 weeks and I want to get my car seat in so if he comes early in prepared. I'm seeing a lot of mixed reviews on where to install the seat, some saying passenger side and some saying middle. I've never heard of the middle being the safest and I'm wondering if others have just done passenger side?
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We did middle (in our main car) because it’s the safest (think side impacts/collisions). But I also think different governments recommend different things. It’s deemed the safest where we live at least. BUT also because we park both our cars in our double car garage. The way we park our cars we can only access driver side so we can’t reach the passenger side anyways. So in our SUV, it’s in the middle. But it’s hella inconvenient trying to reach over the one seat to be honest. I’m short and my suv is pretty tall. It isn’t easy for me haha. And often wake my son up transferring. AND we went to our cottage and needed to pack things in the back with the car seat, it was difficult to put things around him and to remove bags before reaching him. In my one car, there aren’t anchors in the middle so we’ve had to put it behind the passenger (we tried behind the driver but you’d have to pull the seat too far up and it isn’t safe for the driver).

ALL THIS TO SAY, while the middle might be the safest, I would prefer if I could move it to passenger. It would be easier to put in/out, can store bags or whatever on the other side without it interfering with getting the baby, and can reach back to soothe him if you need to while driving (or replace a paci etc).

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