Potty training

Hi all, just wondering how you are all getting on with potty/toilet training. My daughter will wear knickers, she’ll happily sit on a toilet or a potty but absolutely will not release it. Then as soon as a nappy goes on, she goes. Just wondering if any one had a similar situation and how you managed to resolve it. Thanks ☺️
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Im in exactly the same situation! Really struggling and feeling like I have no idea what to do to help!

Ahh really? It’s so difficult. She’s the same in nursery and in school, she’ll hold for hours on end so has good bladder control. I wish she’d just do it once and see it’s not such a big thing. I know to them it seems huge but my god, it’s so frustrating. x

@Kelly Yep, my daughter can withhold for hours too. I just don’t know where we’ve gone wrong or what I can do to help her. She’s ready in every other sense but just won’t let herself go!

Lily is exactly the same. She’s really bright, really switched on and doesn’t seem to have any issues with anything else. But potty training, she just will not do. She even goes into school or nursery wearing knickers and tells the teachers etc she’s wearing them like a big girl, they sit her on the toilet or potty and she just holds it. I’m the same, don’t know where I’ve gone wrong. x

@Kelly so so glad we’re not alone!

Me too! I honestly thought I’d be the only one still struggling with it.

My daughter was the same when she first started - really scared of actually releasing on the potty. It must be such a weird sensation for them. What worked for us was no pants or trousers (she did wear a dress) and carry the potty round with you. We were outside in the garden (in the summer) and could see she needed to go, but just ignored her, rather than drawing attention to it (helps if you're doing something to distract her a little) and as she was about to go she sat down on the potty, cos she didn't like the feel of it down her leg either!

We also had to do chocolate buttons for going for a bit afterwards (even though the incentives didn't work at all at first as she was so scared, even though she really wanted the chocolate). At the very beginning we had to do the buttons for even sitting on the toilet, as she was scared of that too for a bit.

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