Aww that’s such a good idea! My mum is also booking some time off work around the time baby is due and he goes to nursery 3 days a week so may be there on the day baby comes. I just can’t help but feel sad at the thought that he won’t be my littlest baby anymore 🥺
And I know that when he comes to visit me and baby if he has to leave and we have to stay in I’ll be sobbing my eyes out 😂I think he can sense a lot more now that baby is coming as he’s so clingy and hasn’t left my side today
Exactly the same here - the mum guilt is real 😢 it’s just the not knowing of how long labour will take/how long we’ll have to stay in etc xx
It’s awful isn’t it! My lo is such a mummies boy and the thought of leaving him breaks my heart. I was in hospital with him for a week when he was born by emergency c section so just praying we’re home a lot sooner this time!
The mum guilt has been real for me throughout this pregnancy. My babies due dates are 3 days apart. 3rd birthday less than 2 weeks before baby is due. I have spent my whole pregnancy worried about their birthdays ending up too close together and making sure he gets to start nursery before I go into labour and getting the attention he needs for all these big changes that are about to happen.
@Lynsey we sound similar! My first born via emergency c section. He birthday 02/02/22 and this baby is having an elective on 07/02/25! We are going to give our first a cute birthday party for his 3rd and make him feel special before next baby arrives!
I feel awful, I’m just trying to soak the moments in and make the most of the time I have to give him. I do think he’s been so fortunate to have me all to himself everyday for 17 months! But he’s still so young. He starts daycare in Jan 2 half days as he is so ready, his first two settling in sessions he didn’t even notice I had gone 😂 But I’m feeling all the feels in the last few weeks leading up to baby number 2
@Lucy it’s so hard isn’t it. Just hoping they adapt well ❤️ Im due the 1st Feb hoping baby behaves and stays put until then 😂 My son is the 21st Jan and he wont start nursery until the following Monday.
I’m glad I’m not the only one feeling this way, my little one is 3 so understands quite a bit and although he’s really excited to become a big brother I still feel so guilty
Honestly I hate thinking about it, I’ve only ever had 2 nights off my whole 3 year olds life and I spent 4 days in hospital when I had her at 34+5, now I’m scared how long I’ll have to leave her when I have my baby boy 🥺just turned 34 weeks today so the anxiety just went up even higher 😩and my daughters been superrr clingy the past couple days especially so I’m wondering if she can sense he’s about to come!
Yes and no 😂 we’re staying at a hotel the night before we go in for the section to have a relaxing night and a good rest so I’m looking forward to that 😂 i think I have more mum guilt that all my attention won’t be on her after we get back rather than the leaving her part. My mum stays 3 hours away and she’s coming to stay for 2 weeks so will be with my daughter when we’re away. She loves spending time with my mum to the point she cried her eyes out when they left on Boxing Day as she couldn’t go with them. So I know she’ll be in good hands and have fun x