Really is getting to me! The fact that I’m still doing all of this when I’ve asked so many times. Time to leave for me I think? Lost count of how many times I asked for him to make meals for our daughter. Now we have a 7 month old and all I see is the back of his head. Scared to leave but can’t go on! So sorry this post triggered something in me. You will work it out, all mothers do! Sending love x
Wow, I’m sorry that was too much. Was thinking about everything then seen your post. Just exhausted and start back work in 4 weeks 😢
I recommend self care ans therapy. Group therapy with other moms really helped me; there’s a lot of free online resources and hotlines for moms going through guilt and postpartum depression anxiety and the works. One free group therapy I consistently met online at was Postpartum International. Check them out! I also wrote about my experience with postpartum depression on my medium account; I’ll post the link under this comment
Agree w Robyn above. I make time for myself in order to not be burnt out. A happier mum makes me a happier person to be around for my husband and my babies. They don’t want a miserable and moody mum/wife so I make sure I fit in my self care when I can and have no guilt doing so. Our first date night was 6w pp and my first girls night out PP was at 12w pp I went for like 3-4hrs just out eating chatting drinking and it was nice to feel myself again and not Mum or Wife ALL the time. I’m also Kellie I need to pour into her so I can wear all my hats properly when I’m in those roles. The happiest mums I see out there are the ones that have friends and hobbies and take time out for self care.
I really struggled with this too, and still struggle with it but it has gotten better. I had to let go of all the things I wanted the way they were. I had to except the house was not as clean, the meals were not as good, the laundry was not always done to the same frequency etc. I stopped cooking so much and doing so much even though it meant if I didn't do it, it wouldn't be done to stop rushing around all the time. I forced my partner to help more with the baby to make a little time to rest. It took a long time but I'm not as burnt out now. Daycare really helps too. When you go back to work, you can put them in daycare for an extra few hours so get a few hours to rest.
The mum guilt is real but to stop the burn out I make time for myself. I go for a bath, I go shopping alone or I just go out with friends for a couple hours. It makes me 100% a happier mum because I'm chilled when I'm with her and have so much more to give. The mum guilt has to be suppressed so I can actually be better overall, personally!