How do y’all get back in the babymaking field I’m traumatized 😂😂

I reallyyy want more kids later in life but not with my bd. At the same time I’m terrified for things to not work out with my future husband/2nd bd. I can’t go through the trauma I went through with my daughter again… I’d rather die. For those of y’all who relate, how do you deal with the fear of having a 2nd bd put you through hell? Do you think its better to just give up on having kids? Or settle and have more with the 1st bd???
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Your husband is your 2nd bd?? I’m very confused

If it was really bad then I would say try to fix things with your husband so that you can have your next kid with him as long as he treating you right I’d say give it bout a year to think and make sure this is truly what u want and is he treating you right but if the first bd treated you that bad then don’t go back to him (not saying he did or didn’t bc idk)

@Selina nooo I don’t have a husband or 2nd bd. I’m just saying I would like to be married before I have my next child.

@Amy no I said it wrong I’m not married yet lol. I just would like to be before my next child

I can understand that, my husband and yea I just feel like that’s something you should definitely think about when it comes to whoever you want the potential father to be whether he is a bf/fiancé or if it’s just a thought in your mind of hey I want more kids one day then you should make sure the man treats you right, I have been with my husband for a year and 5 months and we will have been married for 10 months on new years

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