I’ve had one at 8dpo and it wasn’t ectopic
I got my first faint positive on 7dpo and definite positive on 8dpo. She is 2 months old today! I also have a history of ectopic pregnancy x
Wouldn't your lh be high too? Did you take it at the same time? I heard LH picks up on HCG so usually if you have a positive pregnancy test the LH would be high too.
I've had some harsh false positives with the Easy at Home tests. I only mention it cuz your top one looks a lot like mine, did... with the broken line. Hope it's not the case , but just a heads up
Had a day of positives, started getting lighter, negative now 11dpo.
I'd just go get checked. HCG LEVELS. I know they can't see anything this early. But better to be seen & keep going back to be seen