My epidural experience was flawless. No problems and the insertion wasn’t bad at all. By the time it was time for epidural, I was so sleep deprived, and already had some contractions, so I didn’t really care when they stuck a needle in me. Your mind goes numb at certain point and you don’t care about anything. I also think it matters if an experienced person does it.
The problem I had is that you have to keep pressing the button as it will only administer every 12 minuets and when your going through contractions ect the last thing on your mind is pressing a button so after about 12 hours of mine being in I stopped using it because I kept forgetting to press it and it wasn't really doing much for me personally! Them inserting it wasn't a problem but I did make them turn off my hormone drip while it was inserted as that was causing constant contractions! I've had no problems after having it either thankfully! X
I’m had a great experience with my epidural. I know not everyone does but I didn’t have any problems.
I had an amazing experience with mine. The doctor doing it walked me through every step while he did it. I honestly think my labor was as fast as it was because my epidural was so successful
I was absolutely set on not having an epidural from the moment I found out I was pregnant. I work in healthcare and had met a few people with bad side effects months awards and that was why I was so set against it. When it came to labour, after over 24 hours, I didn't care what they did to me as long as the baby came out😂 I ended up having the epidural and it was a good experience! No pain at all on insertion and I was finally able to get some sleep before baby arrived!
With my first they had me lay on my side for the epidural and that way hurts so much, with my second they had me sitting on my butt with my legs crossed and hunched my back over I didn’t feel it at all.
I got an epidural & it hurt more than I anticipated, but it was still definitely worth it. I just expected it to not hurt at all or barely hurt & that was not my experience. So just know it *does* hurt, it’s not a pleasant phenomenon, but I’d still do it again.
Got my epidural between 4-6cm and it wasn’t as bad as people make it. It stung a little bit , kind of like heat by your back but I was soo much more focused on my contractions I didn’t even realize when it was done. They also put numbing stuff before they start so you’ll probably only feel a pinch if your focused on getting it
My contractions was so bad I didn’t feel the numbing or the epidural. They been you over and you can’t move so w my contractions being so bad I was too busy focusing on staying still and not moving from them
I was soooo scared about the pain like panicking asking over and over if it’ll hurt and it was painless! I think it also depends on your anesthesiologist for sure. I’ll be getting another with my second baby in March!
I didn’t notice it going in at all but the relief was instant! Had a long time between having it and ending up with an emergency c-section. Only issue I found was that if you lay slightly to one side then you’d start to feel the pain in the upper side again so try to stay as flat as possible. Hopefully you’ll not have a long wait after having it and birth 🤞 Hope you have an enjoyable birth!
Hi, I had an epidural after 9hrs of labour. It wasn't initially on the cards for me but my labour ended up being 16hrs. The epidural was easy to get and not much pain. There was deffo some relief it didn't work full but enough for me to get through the night ! I could feel a small amount of all my contractions. Unfortunately 3 weeks later I still have no feeling in my left thigh 🥺 I'm awaiting a call from the hospital to discuss further. But overall I'm happy I got the epidural it gave me a beautifully healthy baby girl and I was able to enjoy the experience a bit more xx
I didn’t feel a thing when they did mine x
I didn’t feel them put it in for both births. they don’t even let you look so you don’t freak out. Takes a minute and then you lay back and enjoy the ride. 😊
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Hi @Allison congratulations 🥳 my personal experience i was asked to induce but i wanted to wait at 39 week 5 days while doing ultrasound i was sent to hospital as i was dilated due to gestational diabetes and my doctor didn't wanted me to wait any longer and admitted me at the hospital and i had a birth plan and said no to epidural but at 8th cm dilation the contraction was unbearable and pain was out of my control mean while both of us started having heart beats fluctuation so doctors convinced me for epidural and then in 2 hours I birthed my son. So please you don't have to go through so much pain with doctors supervision you can take the epidural and and a healthy less painful birth, as you would need more strength and energy post baby is delivered and trust me contractions aren't the only pain there's a lot in bucket 😬
So I have two kids My oldest I got the epidural and it was great 😊 so great in fact I knew for sure I wanted it again for my second delivery.. buuut the universe had other plans lol my second came so fast that I wasn’t able to get an epidural or any medication for that matter cause she came so fast i wasn’t even fully admitted yet at the hospital lol so I felt everything 😭 but I love the epidural. Didn’t have any issues the first time getting it, and it helped my overall birthing experience be a smooth and easy one.
Sorry to hijack this one but when I was in labour I was in so much pain that I begged for an epidural. However they told me that I would have to be able to sit still for 20mins to get the epidural and my contractions were too painful for me to do that. Was anyone else told this?
@Key I was the exact same, my contractions were so strong I didn’t even care about the pain of the needle, I still don’t even remember if it hurt or not my mind was focusing on not moving!
Initially i was against it but when I was in labour, I changed my mind and said I wanted epidural. As far as I remember because of the pain from labour, i didn’t feel the pain of epidural when they fit it in
I loved my epidural, 100% PRO EPIDURAL I was able to sleep and watch TV I was comfortable once I got it pushing didn't take long for Me and this was my first baby I had him 6 months ago
I didn’t want the epidural before going into obit but once them contractions set in I knew I wanted it. The anesthesiologist messed up at first and only half of my body was numb BUT it was easy fix they just had to pull it out a little bit and I was numb girl 😂. It honestly just felt like a bee sting for the numbing shot than just pressure. You got this
Mine was great he struggled at first getting in the right place but I was Also not helping myself by not staying in the position they told me to because I was 7cm an in a lot of pain
Mine was fine-no problems and would do again
I got the epidural. I was sat on the side of the bed, feet on a stool so I was comfortable and held my husband’s hand. I didn’t feel it at all but contractions were so intense that I was beyond giving a shit at that point. Waters broke at 6pm, in hospital by 10/10:15pm ish and I think I had the epidural at about 11pm and was actively pushing by 3am and gave birth at 4:27am.
I was terrified of it too. I have a bit of scoliosis so it was harder for them to get in and it did hurt some but it’s not terribly painful. It’s also quick. Breathe through it and you’ll be fine. It’s so amazing to not be in pain after 😂
I got the epidural it wasn’t so bad just don’t wait to get it while your contractions are bad. I did n I had to sit still while it felt like my cooters was being ripped apart 🤣🤣
@Naii oh same here darling and I told my husband next baby i need epidural as soon we arrive at the hospital 😬 i still get goosebumps when i recall that 😮💨
My experience was excellent with it! I didn't feel a thing. I am so happy to live in a time where modern medicine can make things more comfortable and possible for our bodies to deal with things better. I was dying from my contractions and I was just dilated in time for one by the time I was in active labour in the hospital. Once they got it in me, I didn't feel any pain. Just slight back contractions but it was nothing really. Everyone takes on to it differently too but I will say it is effective and VERY helpful for the pain. I felt no pain while pushing too. I didn't like the feeling of having the bottom half of me be numb (that's just me) but it was more comfortable than crying from painful contractions for 2.5 days lol During active labour, I was able to sleep until I was dilated enough for pushing time. FYI- There is a moment where you're too dilated and can't have the epidural put in. So if you wait too long, your window for one will close and you'll just have to deal with it. Good luck! 🙌🏽❤️
No pain just lots of cringey pressure. They do a quick shot to numb you right there which is literally just a little poke, probably the most painful part of it so that’s saying a lot it’s nothing. I hate needles so I’m always really freaked out when I’m getting it. 3 times now and it never gets easier lol I’m a scaredy cat. I wait until my contractions are becoming unbearable to ask for it so by the time they come with the epidural I’m relieved and not so scared. The nurse will hold your hands and be very very comforting and supportive with you they’re amazing during the process every time. You can do it ♥️
They numb you for the epidural so you won't feel it besides like the tiniest but of pressure. But for the of all that is good make sure they watch your cords if they move you around. My epidural was great until the nurses didn't pay attention to mine