Definitely get some gripe water and do some little exercises to help baby my baby is 2 weeks and he scared me a few times
Formula or breastfed? My 2 week old has been pooping MORE, but that's common for breastfed babies.
@Ashley he’s breastfed and started off pooping quite a lot at first
@Zariah been giving him gripe water and tried some exercises which has been the tricky part cause he HATES being on his back😭 he’s a tummy time baby
@jasmine Info online is kind of inconsistent. When in doubt, ask your pediatrician!
According to my doctor bc I have the same issue but my son is now a month and a half but it happened when he was only a week… she said it is completely normal but they cannot go longer than three days without pooping. That if they do to use Pedi-a-lax it’s for 2-5years but she said it is perfectly fine to use and they either poop right away or within the hour (be prepared🤣) if they don’t poop after an hour then to bring them in to get checked out because it’s more serious but other than that completely healthy
@Zariah NO baby is too young for gripe water!!! Do not do this!!!
Get a pack of baby Frida windis. Will be life changing for your little one! This is safe for newborns.
@Claire my baby is 2 weeks and gripe water is ok starting at 2 weeks.. i have the frida baby windi and they have not been working as well as it also puts my son in distress even with following the instructions
@jasmine I’m sorry the windi seems to not work for you - it has worked quite well for us. You may try reviewing the instructions again. As for gripe water? It’s not recommend for infants under 6 months old. There is no evidence it works as it doesn’t target the root causes of grassiness and non breastmilk or formula liquids can be dangerous for infants. Gripe water isn’t regulated, so any instruction on the box is not based on sound medical practice. Be advised.
Mine is breastfed and poops so much. But try Gripe water! Mine gets hiccups and trapped gas and it helps him a lot
My 2 year old went through that and we were told that it is normal for a baby to poop every couple days as long as it’s not more than two days between