@Molly thansk for that info! IF she finishes her final bottle she would have had 20.5oz (and that's only if she finishes it).
No worries I was so stressed out about but I just air for that if we can my LO is the same at the moment not finishing all her bottles
@Molly I know there's no rush to drop bottles but the whole weaning and milk feeds is just too much so if I can cut out 1 bottle that helps give me more time in the day. She's a good solid food eater and is showing less interest in her milk feeds so I thought why not and try it and the HV said give it a go. I'll aim for that 21oz though cause I don't want her to not get her nutrition from her formula. X
I was told they need to have a min of 500ml which is 18 oz x
I'm part of a group on Facebook which advises to let LOtake the lead they will naturally drop milk feeds when they need to, they still have to have at least 21oz within 24 hour period the group is weaning the BLW way it's really helpful loads of information