Regression on ALL levels

Having a bad few days just need to let it out This baby has always been a challenge in some way or another. First colic and the feeding was a nightmare and the sleep was great at night. Then the feeding resolved itself and we were getting somewhere but the behaviour started to get worse with the whinging and whining because the naps were rubbish, got them sorted. Then the bed time sleep went to shit. First 7 weeks I never used to go out, shower, eat or anything. I was in an awful cycle. It all changed at 7 weeks and in the last 3 weeks it’s just went back to the start of me constantly waking up in a bad mood, sleeping throughout the day, can’t be bothered going anywhere/doing anything. Don’t shower, don’t eat. I absolutely hate motherhood sometimes. It’s one problem after another then when u get one thing sorted the rest goes to shut. It sounds awful but some days I just genuinely hate it.
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Definitely think you should go and talk to someone like you health advisor or GP, motherhood is hard you aren’t alone.

It’s bloody hard! I don’t think one woman would challenge that! You are doing what you have to do to function! If you don’t shower or get out one day, don’t beat yourself up about it! Your routine will come back! Everyone says it does get easier (this is what I’m currently clinging onto) We are also in the regression stage! She’s been a different baby in the last 3/4 weeks 🙄 but I’m just sticking with our routines (bed one mainly) and rolling with it! 🤪 Is there anyone you can ask to watch baby whilst you have a few hours to shower and reset? Keep ranting love! No judgments here! Xx

It's so much harder than expected ! I agree you nail one thing then another pops up!

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