My LO is teething and whatever I give him is not doing ANYTHING. He’s 4 months & 1/2. I tried Dr. Talbots soothing gel, orajel cooling gel and hyland’s oral pain relief but I might as well give him water. I give him Tylenol at night time but I don’t know what else I can do. I’m also giving him the water filled teether. Any suggestions? Thank you for all the info ladies! ♥️ Last question, Due to the pain he’s only drinking half of his bottle. Is it because maybe the heat is making the pain worse? Do you guys think a room temperature bottle will upset his stomach?
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The only safe pain med to give an infant under 6 months is tylenol and then starting at 6 months you can give Ibuprofen (motrin)

And "soothing gel" is not safe at all. Water is not safe for babies under 6 months either

Chamomile essential oil is my game changer. I will put on his chin or upper lip and it has helped both my babies so far. Especially when nothing else seems to work! Tylenol isn’t great cause it lowers their livers ability to make more glutathione and it’s our bodies number one antioxidant and we need it. Especially if there is a fever present.

Also. Boiron teething is another one that has worked wonders for us. It’s homeopathic 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻

All those gels and cooling stuff don’t work, I was told by my pediatrician it’s waste of money. Best thing is obviously Tylenol but also give them cool teethers, cool wet cloth. Take a silicone baby toothbrush and massage gums as needed.

@Stacie Tylenol is good for them.

@Katie This!!

@Abby I wouldn’t say GOOD for them. Sure it takes pain away but it doesn’t come without side effects. And then what happens when the Tylenol doesn’t work? We need alternatives which is what I think she was asking for.

@Stacie That's what I meant by good. I was saying it's good because it takes the pain away

It's tough, at that age I was giving frozen teethers and just letting him chew on everything. Just try and comfort and soothe as best you can.

@Stacie thank Stacie I’m going to go get some Chamomile essential oil tomorrow!

@Stacie I ended up ordering that and still waiting for it. Did you give it to them when they were under 6 months?

@Katie i agree with your pediatrician 😤. I just put a wet cloth in the freezer I don’t know why sometimes he’s really not feeling the cool teethers though.

camilia teething drops. AMAZING. highly recommend.

@Jorja thank you for the info! I’m buying some bananas tomorrow and hopefully it works. Luckily I already have that pacifier.

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@Mora try everything that you can possibly think of because babies a different some prefer teethers some essential oil some only calm down with Tylenol. You’ll figure it out just offer multiple things a day.

@Candice I’ve been giving him that but unfortunately none of the cooling gels are working for him.

@Mora you bet we did. It’s made for 1 month and up! Homeopathy is extremely gentle but crazy effective. We use the boiron for cold and for gas/fussiness. Works wonders honestly 👌🏻

@Taylor oh yeah … I’m going a bit crazy to be honest! Poor thing is going through it 😔.

@Mora these are tablets

Camilla works for my 6 month old

I think it's the sucking pressure that hurts their teeth rather than the temperature. Just give them plenty of teething toys and extra snuggles. These days are TOUGH. We just went through two teeth coming in. He was literally clung to just me for like a whole week

We used the Camilla drops and also he wore the Amber necklace just about 24/7 (helped alleviate some inflammation and didn’t have a drooling baby either).

@Chelle NO NO NO this is not safe as it is hard and is a choking hazard 🤦‍♀️

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