I’m about to be 15m pp and I can say that the rage eventually goes away or you learn how to refocus it on something productive! I was extremely extremely volatile towards my fiancé for the first 6-8 months pp. Some of the rage turned out to be me being scared shitless that we couldn’t be parents and in a relationship at the same time. Having a baby changes so many things in the relationship and we tend to overlook them instead of work on them. I’d say take some time to learn who you are as a mom, and give your boyfriend some time to figure himself out as a dad too. We all go through it in different ways. My rage made me overlook my fiancé’s ppd, and we were both hurting alone. Taking time to step back and try to think through the situations causing you anger might help you out of the pit.
I felt the rage pp as well. A lot of it is hormones yes. But i think mostly it’s the fact that you’re whole life is now different and normal basic things like sleeping showering and eating have become a luxury and getting mad at your partner is bad, but also it sucks seeing that it took this other person to make this baby and life isn’t that different for them. And everyone who’s super excited for the baby while your pregnant will do their best to show up but it won’t ever feel like enough because you’re the mother. And somehow this title of mother comes with this underlying tone of self sacrifice that everyone just expects out of you. I’m 7 months out and the rage is definitely better. Might not be the best advice but just feel it, document it, and let yourself grieve the life you once had and adjust to this new one.