@Isabella thank you! I'm just worried It hasn't been cleaning my bottles properly if I haven't descaled. They're always roasting hot when I take them out though 😪
Well now I feel bad to as I haven't once always looks fine to me 😪 I gave wipe down as soon as seen this and was fine dw does still sterilise bottles as putting fresh water in steriliser each time and I always wash bottles before put in and rinse bubbles x
@Rosie I'm glad I'm not the only one 🤣 I'll get some white vinegar tomorrow and do it but I feel this mum life so many things to think about this has slipped my mind 😭
I'm a first time mum and swear gets harder the more there getting older 😅I'm sure we're doing amazing to even think of little things xx
you can get descaling packets on amazon and i do it once a week or every 10 days usually