My bf baby won’t take a bottle!

My baby is 7 weeks & is pretty much exclusively breastfed but has had some bottles since around 2 weeks (not very consistently) recently I’ve wanted to give him a little formula top up to help with cluster feeding but he refuses to take a bottle at all any advice is welcome!
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I would also be interested to hear any advice.. my 8 week old will not take a bottle or dummy and I don’t know what else to try!

Have you tried finger feeding formula with a syringe so they get the sucking action? Worked a treat with my little one x

My first was ebf and hv advised I didn't try him with a bottle until I had built up supply around 6wks... I spent a small fortune on various bottles and he never took one. Not even a sippy cup from 6-8mths. I suggest trying different teats / brands if you can.

Try different brands of bottle; my breastfed baby takes the tommee ones well. But if your baby is cluster feeding then I would advise not to replace the feeds with a bottle (as hard as it is) and stick it as they are doing it for a reason and that reason is to up your supply

Have you tried letting someone else feed baby whilst you’re in another room? My baby girl will refuse it from me because she wants breast milk from me but will happily accept a bottle from dad or her grandma

@Carly I haven’t, but I’ll try it thank you!

@Melissa this used to work but he’s become very anti bottle lately 😩

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