My son is 8 months old EBF and hates the bottle. I pump my milk and he still does not like the bottle. Any tips and tricks? I really want him to start using bottles so I can be away from him for more than 30 mins .
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Have you tried various bottle types/nipples/nipple sizes? Could be the bottle structure is pushing too much air in and hes getting gassy. Could be the nipple just feels wrong and a different one would be more akin to your nipples. Could be that the size is too small or too big and the flow is too slow or fast.

At 8 months, I would skip the bottle. Try a straw cup or even a beaker.

Have you tried someone else bottle feeding him?

My daughter would never take a bottle and it didn’t matter what bottle it was. It’s what happens when they’re use to only drinking from the breast. But I also do agree with @Shanee I would try a sippy cup or a straw type cup. Even the munchkin 360 cup.

@Stephanie yes I have various nipples/bottles. The best results I got with him is the tommie tippie bottle. He bites and plays with it with his tongue . The only thing is , he cant see you attempting to give him the bottle because he flinches/slaps it away. If I feed him kind of sitting while distracted watching tv he will entertain the bottle.

My little girl was the same, she is 2 now and never took a bottle but we did manage to get her to drink some from a doidy cup, might be worth a try x x

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