On and off sharp pain on lower left stomach
I get this sharp pain on and off in my lower left stomach and only gets worse when I lay on my left side and putting pressure on it. My left hip kills because of it and then I have to turn over to right side to easy the pain. It comes on and off in the day but mainly in the night when pressure is on the left side sleep. Anyone experienced this? Almost 17 weeks but didn’t expect this type of pain from baby weight just yet as it’s to early for that right?
Round ligament pain from your uterus expanding I never got it with the last 2 pregnancy’s but this 1 has been really bad I cough, sneeze, stand up too quick, turn over in the night , I get a stabbing pain which hurts soooo much sometimes but it is normal aslong as you don’t have any bleeding , if you look up round ligament pain pregnancy nhs on google it tells you loads about it x