Baby weight at delivery

Hi mums! I am wondering (as for buying clothes and nappy sizes) if you were estimated a low weight in ultrasound scans but actually delivered a much bigger baby? I have seen post on women that are told that they have huge babies and it was not accurate by the time they have delivered. But, I wonder if the opposite can happen as well.
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Weight estimations are based off of height, and you're given average weight for baby of that height. So if your baby is exceptionally chonky, you're more likely to deliver a baby that's heavier than your estimate. And if your baby is thin, you're likely to have a babies that's lighter. Mine was born very tall but thin. Dr said he'd be 10lb+ and insisted on a induction at term because he was gonna be difficult to birth otherwise. He was under 7lb at birth, just a little noodle baby. The induction was the right call as a placental defect was causing direct blood exchange and kiddo is a different blood type than I am, but we didn't know it at the time, and may have even contributed to how skinny he was. He had extreme jaundice and needed to spend 2 weeks in an incubator with constant phototherapy and monitoring, but it was definitely good he was born when he was rather than waiting. But he was born at 87th percentile height and 30th percentile weight.

But the time we left the hospital he was at 70th percentile weight, and at a year old he's at 99th percentile height and 80th percentile weight, a big boy! But tbh I'd recommend regardless of the projected weight, bring along a few changes of clothes in different sizes. Bring a preemie onesie or two, a couple newborn ones, a few 0-3, and maybe a 3-6 just in case. We had brought 0-3 and 3-6, but he fit into preemie for the first week or so of his life

I had a predicted birth weight of 7.1 lbs with continued growth after a scan at 35 weeks, she came at 40weeks2 days being 8.6.lbs. Size 1 nappies after often 4lbs-11lbs so that covers most babies for the first 2 weeks at the least.

I had a growth scan the day I ended up having my baby and he was estimated at 7lbs12 and was born 8lbs2 and then my friend had a growth scan at 38 weeks where they had estimated baby at over 6lbs saying they'd be over 7lbs then at birth but she was 11 days late and a tiny 5lbs12 and they had to go and get tiny baby for her as even the newborn stuff was huge! X

I was told at my 35 week scan my so. Was 7lb 13oz j in had him 4 days later and he was 7lb 3oz x

Personally after my experience I would have two premie outfits, two newborn & for diapers a pack of newborn, premie, and size 1 Returns are easy or just offer in your local momma group.. Everyone told me don't buy newborn everything 0-3 months.. My baby almost came home naked cause the one newborn outfit swam on his long lean baby body 😔 Having your partner run to 5 stores trying to find premie items near a holiday is a headache I wouldn't wish on anyone!

I was estimated baby’s weight to be 4lbs …she was exactly 4lbs. I took premie and tiny baby and 1 newborn outfits

My baby was measuring at the 82nd percentile but came out 98th at 11lb 3oz. We didn't need newborn nappies and ended up donating them. I had bought a small selection of newborn clothes but he went straight into 0-3 months. I wouldn't go crazy on buying lots of newborn stuff as you don't know how long they'll be in it and the reality is you can easily order more if you need it once bubs arrives. At the hospital I had a selection of newborn clothes and one 0-3month outfit *just in case* which I was so glad I had!

Our last scan was at 38 weeks and it was exactly right at 7.5lbs. The previous scan at 35 weeks suggested 8.5lbs though (he was born 40+4) so might depend how close your last scan is to the birth. At 7.5lbs he fits newborn and 0-1 month clothes but it depends on the brand as some of the 0–1 are a little long on him x

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