I was in hospital for 5 days due to preeclampsia, 1st examination I was 1cm so they inserted the hormonal pessary for 24 hours, after the 24 hours they removed it and did a sweep which took me to 3cm in which they could break my waters. I did however need the hormonal drip as I didn’t progress for 4 hours and they needed her out 😂 however they had to turn in down after 4 hours as my body took over and I jumped from 3 to 7cm in which they didn’t expect. An hour later I was pushing and she arrived at 11:01pm Christmas Day 🥹 despite being in over Christmas my experience was so relaxed and to be honest I couldn’t have asked for better; especially as a FTM
my induction was a really positive experience, i was really worried about it as was told it could potentially be a really long process. I was 1cm when they put the pessary in, i started contraction around 4 hours later, had the pessary taken out around 6 hours later but was still only 2cm, however once i had it out they allowed me to go into one of the pools as the water seemed to be the best thing for my contractions. They told me they’d be back to check me in 4 hours, and when they came back i was 10cm and ready to push, baby arrived after 25 minutes of pushing. Best advice i could give would be to keep moving as much as you can, i truly believe thats what helped me progress so quickly, and try not to stress too much(easier said than done), and just remember that everything that happens brings you one step closer to meeting your baby! good luck lovely!
I'd say my labour was positive! The worst part about it was time it took and being stuck in hospital. Induction from me started Wednesday afternoon (when I got the balloon and it failed) then it took 3 pessaries before I was dilated to break my waters (1am Sat) Contractions started very mildly so they started the hormone drip - everyone had scared me about this - even midwife at previous appointment had told me ill definitely need an epidural with it. The contractions kicked in, fast and intense but I honestly felt manageable on gas and air alone. I did end up with a forceps delivery - due to his head position. But it still felt magical and positive. Was born 23:30 Sat. Would have an induction again if it was recommended. Tips: Things to entertain you in hospital if the induction takes awhile. Plenty of snacks (can't eat once you're on hormone drip) the meals hospital served weren't really GD friendly.. very carb heavy. stay positive- you're meeting your baby. Remember its all temporary. Good luck ❤️