Help please! 😩

My little boy is 10.5 months. For the past 2 weeks he will not sleep at night. Last night I put him down at 7:30, by 8:30 he had woke crying 3 times. By midnight I had been up with him 7 times. I have tried cutting down his nap to one longer nap a day at midday, I have tried two shorter naps, on in the morning and one in the afternoon. He’s not cold, we’re following the same bedtime routine as we always have done, last night I even tried putting one of my T-shirts I have worn over his mattress in the hope the smell of me would keep him settled. I have tried the night light on the most dim setting, I’ve tried a red light, I’ve tried sleeping with white noise on and without. I feed him during the night in the hope it helps to settle him and it doesn’t, but if I don’t feed him he screams louder and for longer. Often he’s not even waking for his dummy as he still has it in his mouth when he’s sat up crying. Everything I have tried isn’t working, I’m back at work full time in a very demanding job and it’s proving very hard to be a mum and to work on no sleep 😩😥
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@Rosie he usually falls asleep having his bedtime bottle and then I just transfer him into his own bed. During the day I have to rock him off, unless he is absolutely shattered he will fall asleep sitting up xx

My son has been busier at night the last two nights too. I think he’s going through a growth spurt as he’s cluster feeding again but also teething. I keep telling myself These are all phases and this shall also pass

@Rosie at 10 months babies ABSOLUTELY can still need night feeds. Do not spread miss information like that.

@Rosie independent sleep and low effort sleep associations are important yes. But the NHS(!) says babies will wake for hunger until 12 months. Also, some babies (the NHS also states this) just wake more than others, and have periods of more waking. Its biologically normal for their health and development. Sleep training is a terrible practise, and children (around 86%) will wake once a night well into their 4th and 5th year of life. It's part of having children.

@Rosie we all need sleep and i totally understand this mom, my LO is in a period of waking 5ish times a night, its not fun at all. But to come on and spread misinformation that could hinder progress (babies at 10.5 months shouldnt feed at night) is wrong.

@India it's also known baby's can't actually self soothe, I think of it as in imagine if we were really upset like that and no one came to comfort us it would break our hearts right? 💔 the cry it out method I'm talking about, it's cruel

@Shauna the thought of leaving a baby to cry alone breaks my heart! Can it be long, hard nights constantly soothing, of course! But long term the emotional regulation is stronger 💪🏻

Hey love! It sounds like a sleep regression :) my boy whilst I’m very lucky hasn’t had any, he’s been ill for a month so wakes up at night most evenings so I do understand to some extent. I’ve had to bring him into bed with me from around 3am as he’s so upset from being exhausted (his cough wakes him) that I cannot settle him normally. I think it might be a ride it out kinda thing, which I know isn’t useful. My boy was better for a few days and slept again 6-6 but then caught RSV so we went backwards again :(

My LB is one at the end of this month he wakes ridiculous amount of times in the night but only wakes for an actually feed once please don't believe mis information every baby is different some will stop waking for feeds but others may have feeds for a good while after one just depends xx

Could it be teething? If still crying when comforted

I agree with the ladies above. Cry it out method or as it’s being called now “sleep training” isn’t right. If you actually look into it the damage you are doing to your child is permanent and not reversible and will come to haunt you when your little one is older. It is very normal to have wakes at night at this age. I breastfeed to sleep my 10 months old and she’s been a good sleeper for most of the time, sleeps through the night. However she doesn’t always sleep through the night and currently we’ve struggled with sleep at night, but she is going through so many changes, it is simple natural and normal. I’m also finding it very hard, as for a while now she’s been waking up at night and I have to feed her. I believe routine is a key, we never changed anything and always sticked with our routine, eventually this stage will pass, as it has done in the past, but it’s very normal to go through all this stages and you are not alone!

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