Don’t stop now since she’s started and has done well. The holidays can be an overwhelming time for little ones which could be why she’s struggling a bit more at the moment. Is there any other changes that may be affecting her or stop her wanting to go? It’s only been two months so give her a bit more time and I’m sure she’ll get back on track, maybe try the potty training pants in the meantime?
Oh, don't be quitting now. Accidents will happen, whether they just got potty trained or have been for a good while. Have you checked if she might have a UTI or something?
@gabi no we've asked if it hurts when she pees and she says no. The holidays shouldn't be overwhelming we don't have a bunch of people over we don't go anywhere it's been the same in our house
@Chloë I don't think it's the holidays it's been the same here we don't go anywhere or have people over. No everything has been normal
@Carin that's definitely tricky. But regression happens. Maybe even just take some urine to get checked just incase?
@gabi IDK it just seems so easy for some and I'm just struggling it's not that she can't it's that she wants to keep playing or keep watching her show it's so hard to constantly be rinsing pee from her clothes
@Carin maybe she just needs a bit more time, I know it’s frustrating but just stick with it and she’ll eventually have less accidents. They happen and it’s fine, maybe put puppy pads in places like car seats in case of accidents when you go somewhere and always have a travel potty to hand of your out and even at home, take it with you in different rooms so it’s a constant reminder
@Chloë definitely don't use puppy pads. They are designed for puppies not humans. Also nothing should be added to a car seat that didn't come with it, just an FYI.
@gabi maybe in the us they’re different but in the uk it’s just a thin pad that’s small enough to go under the bum to stop pee accidents from meaning the whole car seat needs to be washed. It won’t affect the car seat use itself as it’s so thin. Maybe you can get baby pads that are similar in the us? I’m not suggesting something that’s like 2 inches thick they’re literally like a mm thick so really won’t make anything unsafe
@Chloë I'm in the UK lmao, you don't add anything to a car seat that didn't come with it. And yea it will affect the fit/safety/etc, think you should join the car seat safety uk group and do some research. Puppy pads are for dogs.
@Chloë the thing is she knows she's supposed to go in the potty and she doesn't want to go back to diapers so it's rough it's hard I always have a travel potty in the diaper bag and we have a soft potty seat at home she uses I'll try taking it from room to room to see if that helps
Reward with stickers. I'm doing my three year old but it is hard whilst working etc. But stick at it. N just keep taking her. Or stick a potty where ever she's chilling. Good luck. My eldest done well but other two not so much. They all different x Good luck x
@gabi incontinence pads then which are basically the same. And not just for in the car but around the house also like on sofas if there’s been a few too many accidents. This was advice given to me although I didn’t need to use it as we managed to potty train in a few days luckily. I know not all children are them same and have heard this advice was helpful for lots of children having accidents
@Chloë you still don't add things to car seats that never came with it. There is a Swedish plus tested car seat called Axkid and they designed a potty training cushion specifically for their car seats. There are specific pads for potty training to be put on the bed. Stock up on cleaning products and just wing it. If they can't hold their wee for 2/3hrs in a car then put a pull up over their underwear, they still learn they are wet but car seat doesn't get soaked in wee. Much safer if that's what has to be done
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Are you promoting her to use it or relying on her initiating it herself? We've only just started but haven't be quite firm sometimes, ie. Use the potty before and after meals is non negotiable and we won't be doing anything else until he's done it. I'll literally sit there like a statue 🤣 And then maybe twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon?
@Jessica I'm not relying on her to just go to the bathroom and use it herself I ask her many times a day if she has to go I make a big deal about it when she goes with praise. I sometimes have to offer an m&m but I've really been trying to slow down on rewarding because we've been working at this for awhile and she was going regularly even sometimes going by herself as in running to the bathroom putting the soft potty on it and climbing up herself.
Maybe try making it a condition of other things. So like tonight she hadn't gone to the toilet since she came home from nursery. She wanted an ice-cream after dinner. So we said you can have one, after you've gone to the toilet. "But I don't need to go." Well it's up to you, you don't have to, but then no ice-cream. So she went to the toilet and did a wee. We do that with lots of things, like going out, what she wants to watch on TV, all sorts. We found if we ask her she just won't go, it has to be firmer than that if we think she needs to but she isn't going herself.
@Tanya I've tried that kinda I've said we can't go to the library until the bathroom or ballet or whatever it is and if we are late it's up to her.
@Carin yeah I don't think they care about being late at this age, I think it has to be more like, if you don't go we are not doing x you are not having X and stick to it, so only say things you are willing to not do. If she tries and nothing comes out that's ok. It is a bit of a battle and she fights sometimes but we are strict about it.
I took her to the pediatrician and the pediatrician said she is constipated so we are starting her on miralax. I feel bad I was getting frustrated with the situation 😭 but hopefully she starts feeling better soon and we can work back up to where she was.
It's totally normal for them to have regressions. We started in May and she did really well from the start. But for months would have at least 1 accident most days. She's only now on 4 days in a row no accidents, and she was having accidents quite a lot more at nursery than at home. I would stick with it, but talk to her about it, go back to prompting before you leave the house/eat/whenever you are out and near a toilet. She'll get there eventually.