Retained tissue

Is anyone getting pain with retained tissue after a mmc? It’s been 4/5 days and I’m still getting on and off stomach pain?
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That’s how I knew I had retained tissue unfortunately. Are you still bleeding? If you’re not bleeding much and the cramping continues you will probably need another scan x

@Nerida ohh, I rang 111 and they didn’t tell me to go back in. But yeah I’m not bleeding that much now. I said I’d go back if I get anymore pains x

It’s probably because it’s possible you are still cramping from the miscarriage. If you are still having occasional pains in a couple days with minimal bleeding I would call the EPU and tell them you are concerned about retained tissue. They should offer you a scan soon x

@Nerida my epu won’t deal with me unless I have a referral. I had this with my last mmc and went through 111 to my doctors to a referral x

Hey, I’m so sorry that you are going through a Mc. I had a Mmc and it happened on 28th December. I had some mild cramping after the ‘main mc’ and still bleeding now. I’m still having clots (much smaller now though.). I had tissue coming out for about 5 days after the mc. So yes pains still happened, I was told to take a pregnancy test 3 weeks after and if still positive then to ring unit again. So sorry that you’re experiencing this too x

@Sarah I haven’t had pains now for 48 hours so I think I’m okay!! I had a big clot come out after the pain so I think that must of been it! My bleeding is nearly stopped so I’m just relieved that I think it’s over!! I’m sorry for your loss too xx

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