Test sizes

How do you know when to up your baby’ teat size? And how would you know they are comfortable with the size?
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They'll start fussing with their bottle, getting frustrated or falling asleep mid feed. If they don't have a lot of milk coming out their mouth or drinking too quickly you'll know they're comfortable with the size. Sometimes it's easier to go between teats until they get used to it x

I did try size 2 last week and i felt it was to quick so changed it back to number 1 but this week it’s taking her an hour to feed and getting frustrated with it so might give number 2 ago thank you x

When u do change it will take a few days to get use to it so it's recommend u try them on the new teat for 3 days before u decide it isn't working. Obviously if when u try they fully start choking and crying. This is what my health visitor told me to do x

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