Tend to think focus on sensory play. Sensory boxes, touch and feel books, cause and effect toys, practice pincer grip, baby classes, narrated walks, crawling, bath together so we can do a lot of splash splash, reading Julia Donaldson books.
7am wake and bottle 8am breakfast Get dressed and brush teeth 9am Nap in pram while, out for walk, shops, baby group, swimming, etc 11am bottle Floor play High chair okay will I make lunch and prep dinner 1230 lunch Wash up Big play session try to mix it up each day and throughout the afternoon we get different things out, go to different areas of the house 3pm bottle Watches me do chores 4pm ish nap 5pm dinner Story time Start bedtime routine 1830 he's asleep by 1930 If I spend the morning in the house the afternoons are tough so no matter the weather we get out somewhere everyday even if just the shops or library
I resorted yesterday to an empty coke bottle filled with water, giving him spoons and a box of dried peas 😂
We start the day off with free play and interactions while I make us both breakfast, then sit down and breakfast with mixed BLW and feeding, Miss Rachel screen time for roughly 20-30’mins while I clean up and then we play cuddle with our tonie box, encourage crawling and climbing, untill he gets tried and wants to rest. Then sofa cuddles while nursing and he goes sleep. Then after he wakes up from his nap the toys he’s plays with next are rotated, and then feeds, any errands to run are done then too, switch up where we play in the house (his cot has different toys), and then feed and nap. Once he wakes up again daddy is home and he plays with him in that time, bath time etc Everyday is consist but different st the same time, my baby boy has never done anything for the same Amount of time everyday so we just go with the flow
@Hayley pretty much the same 😆
If you’re just at home I sometimes find that changing rooms helps 🤣 in the morning we play in her bedroom, then we go downstairs and play with her other toys in the living, she also has a door bouncer and will sometimes be happy playing in the kitchen in her high chair when I’m making her food 🥰
still layering them up and going for short walks and letting him watch cars go by ( he’s obsessed). Staying in the house all day will drive me crazy. Messy play Toys Books Showing him around the house Same as above naps, bottles etc Bath then bed
@Samina I’m an occupational therapist - everything they do is mind blowing for them atm!
Nothing overly novel here - 2 naps 3 meals 4 bottles Bath A walk / trip out Floor toys Jumperoo Singing In the night garden